Throughout the '80s, PWM technology improved, both in performance and reliability, and in the late '80s, MagneTek brought one of the most advanced microprocessor-based PWM AC drives to market.
In 1990, MagneTek introduced the IGBT-based GPD 503 with instant success and dominant market position, followed by the VCD 703, flux vector control drive. Now, MagneTek introduces the next technological achievement, the GPD 515. Backed by 50 years of continuous advancements, the GPD 515 utilizes state-of- the-art IGBTS, SMDS, ASICS, flash ROM 32 bit RISC microcontroller, motor algorithms, auto-tuning, and all the other benefit-laden technologies creating the cutting edge in AC drive design.
The most spectacular achievement is the flexibility
provided to our customer, with a single drive platform
offering traditional V/Hz, closed loop flux vector, and
advanced sensorless vector control.
Combined with MagneTek's inverter-duty induction motors, no competitive drive can match the torque and speed performance of the GPD 515. The world's most flexible drive.
"Motion Control Solutions"