Pledge To Be A Green Business

Our business knows that our day-to-day economic decisions have an impact on the environment. Also, our environmental decisions have an impact on the economy. Therefore, we will make every attempt to be a greener and more profitable business.

We pledge to reduce our impact on the environment in the following five areas:
Practice Energy Efficiency
Protect Water
Promote Clean Air
Preserve Land
Recycle & Reuse

Signed: _________________________________

Title: ___________________________________

Name of Business: __________________________

Date: ___________________________________

Initial efforts to fulfill the pledge include half of the following:

* Recycle more
* Buy recycled products
* Turn lights off
* Unplug appliances
* 67F winter, 75F summer
* Insulate and weatherize
* Walk or bicycle more

* Employee public transportation incentives
* Adopt a tree, garden or flower bed
* Join or organize a comunity cleanup
* Use reusable canvas shopping bags
* Join the Green Committee and/or the EAC
* Purchase PECO's renewable energy
* Develop annual plan of future actions

If you will communicate which actions you pledge to take, the Ambler Green Committee will acknowledge your business on the web site. Please contact us.