Bharat B. Kikani
Careers Summary
Highly innovative business oriented
research scientist with demonstrated track record in
immunoassay design, product and process development,
protein purification, assay validation, and
technology transfer. Played key role in developing 12
products in several new markets.
Professional Experience
POLYPROBE, INC., Philadelphia,
Senior Research Scientist
Design and develop protocols for
conjugation of oligonucleotides and dendrimers to
Alkaline Phosphatase and Streptavidin. Implement
these procedures to support research and
manufacturing requirements.
- Establish conjugation
capability at Polyprobe. Synthesize
immunodendrimer molecules.
- Interface with assay
development to optimize conjugate selection
and kit performance.
- Contribute to oligonucleotide
purification and process development.
Senior Research Scientist,
Diagnostics Product Development
Managed research and the transfer
to manufacturing of immunoassays for the detection of
tumor markers .
- Extensive experience in
developing immunoassays, such as optimization
of conjugate synthesis and performance,
stability and assay correlation with existing
methods. Experience 'includes the development
of novel approaches to study immunoassay
kinetics and detection methods.
- Expertise in immunoassay
product development with several assays
formats utilizing automated platforms.
Experience in protein purification using
immunoaffinity, ion exchange and gel
filtration chromatography techniques on HPLC,
FPLC and BIOCAD instruments. Protein
characterization experience includes
capillary electrophoresis and electrospray
- Member of several
international product/project management
teams with various industrial partners to
develop assay validation data for submission
to several regulatory agencies.
- Developed and implemented
several SOPs for transferring product
development processes to manufacturing under
GNT and ISO 9000.
Cinnaminson, NJ 1990-1994
Senior Research Scientist/Project
Responsible, as project leader, for
the development of immunoassay for explosives, PCBs,
herbicides and petroleum components. Required close
interaction with all levels of staff within and
outside the company.
- Contributed significantly to
preparing and presenting research proposals
resulting in $5MM in product development
- Managed synthetic chemistry
and assay validation groups. Designed and
executed synthetic routes for haptens of high
purity to serve as immunogens, tracers and
analytical reference standards.
- Designed and optimized the
conjugation of haptens to carrier molecules
for use as immimogens and screening and
enzyme conjugates.
- Interfaced with scale up and
production. Responsible for trouble shooting
and problem solving pertaining to conjugation
- Contributed to the validation
of immunoassays with EPA methodology for
trinitrotoluene, polynuclear aromatic
hydrocarbons and chlorothalonil. Prepared
draft methods of submission to the EPA.
- Participated in EPA/Industry
consortium to develop guidelines for
comparing various methods.
- Played key role in developing
10 new immunoassay products for environmental
markets. Combined sales: $3MM per year.
Helped demonstrate product viability.
Research Scientist 1990-1992
- Established synthetic organic
chemistry capability at Quantix.
- Synthesized and characterized
haptens through single and multi-step
reactions to serve research and manufacturing
- Prepared and characterized
Graduate Program in
Penn State University, MEBA expected December
1997 |
1995-present |
Ph.D. Program in Medicinal
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science |
1986-1990 |
M.S. Medicinal Chemistry
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science |
1986 |
B.S. Chemistry
University of Bombay, India |
1983 |
Continuing Education:
"Analytical Methods in Protein
Chemistry," ACS short course, 1995
"Frontiers in Organic
Chemistry," Stanford University - Intensive six
day short course, 1994
"Modem Methods in Organic
Chemistry," ACS short course, 1993
"Chiral Separations,"
Philadelphia section of ACS, 1982
Patents, Publications, and
- One U.S. and four
international patents.
- Four publications including
book chapters; several abstracts of papers
presented at scientific meetings.